54 research outputs found

    Wireless Capsule Endoscope Localization with Phase Detection Algorithm and Simplified Human Body Model

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    Wireless endoscopic capsules can visualize the inside of the digestive tract for the purpose of gastrointestinal diseases diagnose. In order to implement the appropriate treatment method, the transmitted picture should be followed by the information on the location of the endoscope. The article presents the method of localization of endoscopic capsules with wireless transmitter based on the detection of phase difference of signals in the receiver located on patients body. The proposed method uses simplified human body models that can change their dielectric properties to improve the location of the capsule endoscope

    Inertial sensors integrated with clothing to localize people inside buildings

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    This article presents a wearable system that localizes people in the indoor environment, using data from inertial sensors. The sensors measure the parameters of human motion, tracking the movements of the torso and foot. For this purpose, they were integrated with shirt and the shoe insole. The values of acceleration measured by the sensors are sent via Bluetooth to a smartphone. The localization algorithm implemented on the smartphone, presented here, merges data from the shirt and the shoe to track the steps made by the user and filter out the artefacts caused by movements the shirt and torso. The experimental verification of the algorithm is also presented

    New media development, sleep and lifestyle in children and adolescents

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    The number of children using portable electronic devices and the Internet has been on the increase in recent years. This study aimed to analyse how the overuse of various types of electronic devices and the Internet interfere with the sleep patterns and lifestyle of children and adolescents. This study group included 376 participants (189 girls, 187 boys) aged 6–15. The body composition estimates were obtained by means of a foot-to-foot bioelectrical impedance analysis whereas the body height was measured with the use of a stadiometer. The questionnaire survey consisted of questions concerning the children’s lifestyle, new media use, eating and sleeping habits, their physical activity as well as their socio-demographic data. The correlation of the two variables was calculated with the Spearman rank correlation coefficient. Correspondingly, the odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were measured. This study indicated that the use of the media resulted in a significant drop in the study group’s physical activity but also had a negative association with their sleeping and eating habits. In conclusion, health professionals ought to provide parents with more guidance on appropriate new media use

    Case report of a patient with acute renal failure and cardiovascular disease after 65 years of age

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    Introduction. Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a clinical syndrome with high mortality. It is a clinical syndrome consisting in rapid impairment of kidney function. The result is retention of metabolic products in the body and the inability to maintain normal water-electrolyte and acid-base homeostasis. Chronic heart failure is a significant clinical, economic and social problem, and despite the continuous development of medicine, the incidence of this disease is still increasing. A weakened inefficient heart is not able to supply the organs with the right amount of blood, oxygen and nutrients. The effect is fast fatigue, weakness of muscle strength and dizziness. Kidney and cardiovascular diseases affect each other and increase their course, which worsens the patient's condition. Periodic monitoring of renal function in patients with cardiovascular disease is very important because it has been proven that the occurrence of kidney disease in these patients increases the risk of death. Case report. Patient, 78 years old, hospitalized many times in the Geriatrics Clinic, Cardiology Clinic, Nephrology Clinic due to shortness of breath, chronic myocardial insufficiency, edema of the lower limbs. The degree of independence is limited, the patient walks with assistance, lives with a family / significant other. Main ailments of the patient: increasing swelling of the lower limbs, left foot pain, nausea, vomiting, palpitations, effortlessness and rest dyspnea without stenocardial complaints. Comorbidities: Type 2 insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (with unspecified complications), obesity, generalized atherosclerosis, hypertension, chronic NYHA type II heart failure. Cardiac defect in the form of mitral and tricuspid regurgitation, pulmonary hypertension, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, myocardial infarction. The patient was qualified for hemodialysis treatment, then returned to conservative treatment, followed a strict diet. The applied treatment improved the general condition of the patient and was discharged from the hospital in a stable general condition. Results. Frequent and regular examination of a patient's condition with cardiac-renal syndrome, disease progression and ability to tolerate treatment can be helpful in treating and prolonging the patient's life. It is important to monitor kidney function in people with cardiovascular disease

    Cooperation between universities and business : Poland in comparison with selected European Union countries

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    Celem raportu jest dokonanie diagnozy stanu i perspektyw współpracy przedsiębiorstw ze szkołami wyższymi w Polsce. Analiza obejmuje osiem obszarów, identyfikowanych jako najważniejsze pola, na których realizuje się współpraca biznesu z uniwersytetami, wskazanych w raporcie pt. The State of University-Business Cooperation in Germany z grudnia 2013 r. Zespół, który przygotował Raport jest jednym z czterech zespołów roboczych utworzonych w ramach seminarium "Co się dzieje z uniwersytetem?". Prace seminarium koordynują prof. dr hab. Jacek Blikle, prof. dr hab. Anna Giza, prof. dr hab. Jerzy Hausner i dr Łukasz Stankiewicz. Działa ono w ramach platformy rozwoju edukacji OEES EduLab www.oees.pl/edu-lab, która jest częścią szerszego ruchu Open Eyes Economy Summit, koordynowanego przez Fundację Gospodarki i Administracji Publicznej.The purpose of the report is to diagnose the state and prospects of cooperation between businesses and universities in Poland. The analysis covers eight areas identified as the most important fields in which business-university cooperation is taking place, as indicated in the report The State of University-Business Cooperation in Germany from December 2013. The team that prepared the report is one of the four working teams formed as part of the seminar "What is happening to the university?". The work of the seminar is coordinated by Prof. Dr. Jacek Blikle, Prof. Dr. Anna Giza, Prof. Dr. Jerzy Hausner and Dr. Łukasz Stankiewicz. It operates as part of the OEES EduLab education development platform www.oees.pl/edu-lab, which is part of the wider Open Eyes Economy Summit movement coordinated by the Foundation for Economics and Public Administration

    Rola terapii przezcewnikowych w leczeniu ostrej zatorowości płucnej — opinia Polskiej Inicjatywy PERT, Sekcji Krążenia Płucnego, Asocjacji Interwencji Sercowo-Naczyniowych i Asocjacji Intensywnej Terapii Kardiologicznej Polskiego Towarzystwa Kardiologicznego

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    Dzięki postępom w zakresie technologii kardiologii interwencyjnej leczenie przezcewnikowe stało się w ostatnich latach realną opcją terapeutyczną w leczeniu pacjentów z ostrą zatorowością płucną z wysokim ryzykiem wczesnej śmiertelności. Obecnie stosowane techniki przezcewnikowe umożliwiają miejscową fibrynolizę lub embolektomię przy minimalnym ryzyku powikłań. Stąd mogą być rozważane u pacjentów z grupy wysokiego ryzyka jako alternatywa dla chirurgicznej embolektomii płucnej, gdy systemowa tromboliza jest przeciwwskazana lub nieskuteczna. Rozważane są również u pacjentów z grupy średniego–wysokiego ryzyka, u których pomimo leczenia przeciwzakrzepowego nie uzyskano poprawy lub nastąpiło pogorszenie stanu klinicznego. Celem artykułu było przedstawienie roli technik przezcewnikowych w leczeniu chorych z ostrą zatorowością płucną zgodnie z aktualną wiedzą i opinią ekspertów. Leczenie interwencyjne opisano w szerszym kontekście organizacji opieki nad pacjentem. Przedstawiono organizację i zadania zespołu szybkiego reagowania w zatorowości płucnej, rolę obrazowania przedzabiegowego, zasady antykoagulacji okołozabiegowej, kryteria kwalifikacji pacjentów, wyboru odpowiedniego czasu interwencji oraz rolę intensywnej terapii. Szczegółowo omówiono dostępne terapie przezcewnikowe, w tym wystandaryzowane protokoły, definicje sukcesu i niepowodzenia procedury. Niniejszy dokument został opracowany we współpracy z ekspertami z różnych polskich towarzystw naukowych, co podkreśla rolę pracy zespołowej w opiece nad chorym z ostrą zatorowością płucną

    Role of catheter-directed therapies in the treatment of acute pulmonary embolism. Expert opinion of the Polish PERT Initiative, Working Group on Pulmonary Circulation, Association of Cardiovascular Interventions, and Association of Intensive Cardiac Care

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    Thanks to advances in interventional cardiology technologies the catheter-directed treatment has become recently a viable therapeutic option in the treatment of patients with acute pulmonary embolism at high risk of early mortality. Current transcatheter techniques allow local fibrinolysis or embolectomy with minimal risk of complications. Therefore they can be considered in high risk patients as an alternative to surgical pulmonary embolectomy when systemic thrombolysis is contraindicated or ineffective. They are also considered in patients with intermediate — high risk with a lack of improvement or clinical deterioration despite anticoagulation. The purpose of this article is to present the role of transcatheter techniques in the treatment of patients with acute pulmonary embolism. We describe current knowledge and experts’ opinion in this field. Interventional treatment is described in the broader context of patient care organization and therapeutic modalities. We present the organization and responsibilities of pulmonary embolism response teams, the role of pre-procedural imaging, peri-procedural anticoagulation, patients selection, timing of intervention and intensive care support. Currently available catheter directed therapies are discussed in detail including standardized protocols, definitions of procedure success and failure. This expert opinion has been developed in collaboration with experts from various Polish scientific societies signifying the role of teamwork in the care for patients with acute pulmonary embolism

    Wysokość opłat za zarządzanie a efektywność polskich funduszy nieruchomości

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    The management fee is one of the fundamental factors in determining the efficiency of real estate funds. As a  main cost component it affects the periodic fund’s financial result and assets value. The analysis of 9 polish public closed-end real estate funds shows that the system used for calculating the management fee on the basis of periodic net assets value appears to be an inadequate motivator for fund managers to create value for investors. Its current construction is one of the sources of poor performance achievements of polish public real estate funds in the last decade, measured by long-term rates of return or efficiency indicators. Based on that, the author develops an alternative, more adequate and “fair” system which contributes more to the improvement of the funds performance.Artykuł nie zawiera abstraktu w języku polski